We make government easy and accessible for people in order to further democracy, support economic opportunity for all Coloradans, and demonstrate a standard of integrity and excellence.
Our vision is to ensure all Coloradans have a voice in our future, help Coloradans and their businesses thrive, and be the best at what we do.
The Department of State performs several functions, ranging from registering businesses to overseeing elections. The Business and Licensing Division receives filings such as business and nonprofit registrations, trade names, secured liens, notary public applications, and bingo and raffle reports. Additionally, the Division licenses durable medical equipment providers, promotes availability of government data, and makes performing rights society information accessible. Most filings are submitted electronically, and the office disseminates this information to the public through its website.
The Elections Division oversees state elections and has exclusive responsibility for campaign finance disclosure, statewide ballot initiative certification, and lobbyist registration. Two other divisions in the Department, Administration and Information Technology, support the office’s programs. Cash funds generated by business and other filings support nearly all of the Department’s activities. Federal grants provide the remainder of funding. The Department of State’s Long Bill is organized into sections by division. Appropriations are allocated based on the historical utilization of resources in each division.