Performance Management

The State of Colorado prioritizes public transparency and accountability on outcomes for Coloradans. 

Each year, all Executive Branch agencies in Colorado create a SMART Act performance plan which identifies meaningful outcome objectives, and strategies to achieve them. Progress toward our goals is reported monthly on the Governor's Dashboard, pending data availability. Final data on all measures is reported annually on November 1st of the following fiscal year. 


At the beginning of each Legislative Session, the Colorado General Assembly holds SMART Act Hearings. During the hearings, Department leaders present the operational, legislative, and budget priorities for the upcoming year, as well as their performance over the past year. These hearings also provide an opportunity for legislators and the public to ask questions and provide feedback directly to agency leadership. 


These performance plans and annual reports can be found by following the link below.


The SMART Act, or the State Measurement for Accountable, Responsive and Transparent Government Act, requires the Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch, and other state government entities to publicly share annual performance goals. These are shared at the beginning of each State fiscal year. The SMART Act requires the Executive Branch to implement the following:

  • Establish and manage a statewide performance management system;
  • Incorporate continuous process improvement to increase government efficiency; and 
  • Ensure state employees receive training on operational excellence

Read the SMART Act here

Performance Management Guidance

The Governor's Office of Operations issues annual guidance to agencies on the development and tracking of their SMART Act performance plans. These include setting measurable goals, incorporating best-in-class process improvement methodologies, and identifying key strategies to accomplish their annual goals. 


Our performance management approach emphasizes the following design features: 

  • Ensuring clarity on what we are trying to achieve, and how we will achieve it 
  • Visibility into how we are performing against those goals (through lead measures and progress against milestones, as well as progress against our “Wildly Important Goal” targets)
  • Public accountability on our performance
  • Regular performance reviews and proactive course corrections as needed

View the Performance Management Guidelines