..To create a Colorado for all by enabling the consistent and seamless delivery of quality government services.
..Enabling the success of state government through efficiency, collaboration, and innovation.
The Department provides the infrastructure needed for Colorado State government to perform in a consistent, productive and cost-conscious manner. The Department operates much like a business within State government, providing such centralized services as: human resource management and oversight; risk management; training; procurement management and oversight; financial assistance and guidance; graphic design, printing, scanning, and copying services; fleet vehicle management; and adjudication services for agencies and programs throughout State government. The Department’s success depends upon offering quality and value to customers and stakeholders by providing economically-efficient and sound services while adhering to the highest standards of personal and professional integrity.
The DPA customer base is three-fold. DPA serves: 1) government entities, including State departments, the General Assembly, Institutions of Higher Education, and local municipalities; 2) State employees; and 3) the public.
The Division of Human Resources (DHR) provides expertise, leadership, and consultation in the development and strategic management of statewide human resources and protection of state assets. The Division’s primary duties are to maintain the integrity of the state Personnel System, manage the state’s risk, and lead talent management of the statewide workforce. State employees are an essential component of DPA’s internal customer base and are the State’s most valuable resource. DPA continually looks for ways to recruit, retain, and reward those who seek a career in public service. The Department serves tens of thousands of public employees and is committed to ensuring human resources processes provide for the best recruitment, selection, job evaluation, compensation, and retention methods available.
The Division of Central Services (DCS) exists to maximize efficiencies for the state and local government by consolidating internal common business services to take advantage of economies of scale. The Division’s primary focus is to provide agencies with the quality, turnaround, and cost that will facilitate successful deployment of services to the Coloradans. To this end, the Division’s mission is to provide the best value to the state in every service offered and to every customer served. DCS is comprised of three units: Integrated Document Solutions, Address Confidentiality Program and Colorado State Archives.
The Division of Capital Assets (DCA) consists of Capitol Complex Facilities Management and State Fleet Management and exists to provide centralized business support services at competitive pricing to State agencies. The employees of DCA provide structured procurement, maintenance, and disposal of the State’s buildings and vehicles, ensuring maximum value for Colorado. This systematic approach demonstrates a dedication to economic, transparent, and sustainable resource management.
The Office of the State Controller, also known as the Division of Accounts and Control, manages the financial affairs of the State of Colorado. The office promulgates State Fiscal Rules, performs statewide financial reporting, oversees the State’s end-of-year financial close, manages the State contracting process, performs audit activities, manages the State’s central collections services, maintains central aspects of the State’s financial system, manages central payroll functions, and directs CORE operations. The Office of State Controller also oversees all procurement and collections activity on behalf of the State.
The Office of Administrative Courts (OAC) provides an easily accessible, independent, and cost-effective administrative law adjudication system in Colorado. The OAC is one of approximately 30 central panels of independent Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) in the United States. These judges are independent from the agencies for which they conduct hearings and decide cases
The Office of the State Architect (OSA) is statutorily responsible for the administration of state funded planning, construction, energy conservation, and real estate transactions at state agencies and institutions of higher education.